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Philosophy and Culture

Karpenko, A.S. Principle of Plentitude in Philosophy. Part I

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes logical consequence of the principle of abundance described by Arthur Lovejoy in his book ‘The Great Chain of Being’ (1936). Arthur Lovejoy asserts that all potentials of existence must be fulfilled. The principle of abundance is completed with the principle of plentitude that requires practical implementation of all what is thought to be possible. Fulfillment of the principle of plentitude causes numerous ‘stratifications’ of space, time, world and all. This is the conclusion modern cosmology has come to as well. To save ourselves from absolute chaos, we need to limit the principle of plentitude. Therefore, we approach the most fundamental problem in ontology: how does the impossible become possible? The series includes the following articles: 1. Introduction. 2. The Great Chain of Being. 3. The principle of abundance. 4. The unified. 5. Theodicy. 6. Ontological evidence of God’s existence. 7. The problem of eternity. 8. The limits. 9. The impossible. 10. Theories of incompleteness. 11. Borders of mind? 12. Destiny of human. 13. Everett worlds. 14. The principle of plentitude in action. 15. On the way to intelligent Multiverse. Annex. Alternative Reality: Gaius Iulius Caesar.


Everett worlds, borders of mind, undecidability, Godel about incompleteness, impossibility, eternity, theodicy, principle of abundance, Multiverse, symmetric distortion.

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