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Police activity

Korzun, S.Y., Ukrantseva, A.I. The modern principles of financial control and role of police in their implementation.

Abstract: Financial control within the system of the MIA of Russia is aimed to guarantee efficient implementation of functions of the MIA of Russia in the sphere of lawfulness and order. In order for the MIA of Russia to meet its goals, the state provides the Ministry with necessary material and financial resources, and ,additionally, the bodies and institutions within the ministry are allowed to have non-budgetary activities and gain profits from them. It should be noted that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation controls a large amount of material assets and property. The Ministry of Internal Affairs takes part in budgetary and economic relations. Therefore, the institutional financial control within the MIA of Russia is of foremost importance. The said control within the system of the MIA of the Russian Federation is aimed to facilitate and support lawfulness and financial discipline in the sphere of internal affairs, to prevent and stop inappropriate expenditures, theft of funds, etc.


control, finances, money, losses, the MIA, the police, system, principle, regulation, process.

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