History magazine - researches
S. P. Karpov (2013). New Horizons in Medieval Studies:
From Italy to the Golden Horde. History magazine - researches, 5, 617–621. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63462
S. P. Karpov New Horizons in Medieval Studies:
From Italy to the Golden Horde
This article examines several investigations of recent years that were ahead of their time for understanding
the question and a scholarly methodology and vector for further development of certain directions in the history of science:
Kramarovskii, M. G. Man of the Medieval Street. The Golden Horde. Byzantine, Italy. St. Petersburg, 2012; From the
Onon to the Thames. Chingizids and Their Western Neighbors. On the 70th Year of Mark Grigorevich Kramarovskii.
Moscow, 2013; Ponomarev, A. L. Evolution of the Monetary Systems of the Black Sea Region and the Balkans in the 13th–
15th Centuries. Moscow, 2011. In these works we deal with scholarly discoveries at the crossroads of several disciplines.
history, medieval studies, historiography, methodology, contact zone, multiculturalism, Golden Horde, M. G. Kramarovskii, quantitative numismatics, A. L. Ponomarev.
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