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History magazine - researches
I. V. Volkova (2013). The Fedotov Code: An Attempt
to Read the Diary of a Moscow
School Boy. History magazine - researches, 5, 585–601.
I. V. Volkova The Fedotov Code: An Attempt to Read the Diary of a Moscow School BoyAbstract: This article analyzes one of the most vivid documents of personal origin, revealing the inner world, creative search, system of rules for living, and relations in the society of a gifted Soviet youth who lived in a Government House on the Bersenevskaya waterfront. The personality of Lev Fedotov long attracted the attention of writers, journalists, and cinematographers for the undisclosed mystery of his main object of interest and activities. In this article, on the basis of linguistic and logical methods of analysis of the text, a large research project is reconstructed that was performed alone by a Moscow school boy over several years; it represents the original processing of the concepts of cosmist N. F. Fedorov from the perspective of scientific, social, and ideological priorities in the 1930s. The grand scale of concepts and remarkable analytical, prognostic capabilities of the school boy—confirmed by his brilliant futurological elaboration of the Second World War—create exclusive status for the diary in a series of analogous chronicles of a private life. Keywords: philosophy of a common affair, biocosmic projects, prognostication of events, biological evolution, psychological regulation, informational matrix of personality, preservation of information trail, reconstruction of personality, moral transformation of humanity, attainment of immortality.
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