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History magazine - researches
T. G. Skorokhodova (2013). The Birth of the Idea of Indian
History (towards the Understanding
of “A Brief Sketch on Ancient
and Modern Boundaries and
History of India”
by Rammohun Roy). History magazine - researches, 5, 506–521.
T. G. Skorokhodova The Birth of the Idea of Indian History (towards the Understanding of “A Brief Sketch on Ancient and Modern Boundaries and History of India” by Rammohun Roy)Abstract: The Russian translation of “A Brief Sketch of the Ancient and Modern Boundaries and History of India,” by Rammohun Roy, is presented. This sketch is interpreted by the author of the article-preface for the translation as a textsymbol of the initial development of historical consciousness in Modern India and the birth of the idea of Indian History. Written by “Father of Modern India,” philosopher and reformer, founder of the Bengal Renaissance (XIX–early XX century) Rammohun Roy, “A Brief Sketch” shows that its author was thinking about India as a whole and its history and all- India problems. That is why this text is part of the “Discovery of India” (J. Nehru) phenomenon, creating an image of the native country for Indians and the rest of the world as well as integration of this image in the Modern World. Rammohun Roy had discovered India as sociocultural space, with ancient spiritual and cultural image, and as subcontinent, which has united different “countries” and “districts,” as a large society having its own history. Keywords: history, India, Rammohun Roy, England, colonialism, development, time, society, institutes, progress.
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