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Philosophy and Culture
Lapina, T. S. (2013). Definition of Culture: Philosophical Criteria. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1407–1418.
Lapina, T. S. Definition of Culture: Philosophical CriteriaAbstract: The author of the article defines determinants of the problem situation around the mentioned topic such as contradictory definitions of culture, insufficient development of the framework of categories of philosophical reflection over culture, lack of description of particular patterns of cultural development and the need to clarify the difference between ‘civilization’ and ‘culture’, unsatisfactory researches of the influence of social practices on culture. As a solution of the aforesaid problems, the author answers the question whether philosophy of culture advances the idea of culture or utopia of the latter? From the axiological point of view, culture is viewed as the process of production and development of values and positive province of mankind. The moral idea of true humanity is presented by the author of the article as the sovereign ‘governess’ of culture. The author offers a definition of the subject of philosophy of culture and describes philosophical grounds, invariants and universals of philosophy of culture. The author also describes social culture and views introduction of the basic principle of explanation and production of culture and explication of cultural patters listed herein as the main contribution of philosophy to cultural studies. Keywords: culture, culturized, value, spirituality, philosophy of culture, grounds, universals, invariants, cultural patterns, human.
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