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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Simonenko, I. A. Diagnosing Attachment Disorders in the Mother-and-Child Relationship During Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy

Abstract: The main purpose of the present article is to summarize the author’s experience in diagnosing attachment of children to their mothers when rendering psychological assistance, to define the main directions of diagnostics of attachment disorders in the course of psychological counseling and psychotherapy. The author of the article describes the following targets of procedural diagnostics: to collect information about the first years of child’s life, to observe the mother-and-child relationship and analyze communication between the child and the psychologist during psychological sessions, to analyze the course of free play and child’s drawings and the psychologist’s resonant feelings. The author describes signs of unreliable attachment at each stage of diagnostics and concludes that it is necessary to integrate psychological data at the intrapersonal and interpersonal levels in order to define what blocks the mother’s ability to develop a reliable connection with her child. The author also proves the need in the integration approach to setting the main goals of psychological assistance when working with children who suffer from attachment disorders.


attachment quality, experimental psychology, practicing psychologist, psychological diagnostics, free play, psychological assistance, attachment reliability, resonant feelings, interpersonal level, intrapersonal level.

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