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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Svetozarova, N. S. (2013). Competency Building Approach
to Teaching Foreign Languages
at Secondary School. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 992–997.
Svetozarova, N. S. Competency Building Approach to Teaching Foreign Languages at Secondary SchoolAbstract: The present article is devoted to information communicative competence as an expression of developed system of qualitative characteristics efficiently used for foreign communication. The author views the projective method of formation of information communicative competence as well as the method of computer-assisted training as the most efficient and famous methods today. Modern school does not only prepare students for studying at a university and getting a profession. It is also becoming a very important mean and resource for building competence in different spheres of social life such as making responsible decisions and conducting a dialogue as a form of cooperation and competence. The author of the present article describes innovation-based methods for teaching foreign languages at high school such as using the competency building approach, projective technologies and Internet technologies. Increasing level of general informatization and integration of the global community creates new tendencies in development of the modern language education and sets new targets and goals for pedagogy and teaching of foreign languages. Therefore, determination of adequate and efficient innovation-based technologies in the process of formation of communicative competence of senior students plays a very important role in the modern process of teaching foreign languages. This is a very important goal for school teachers who help school graduate to maintain language competency. Keywords: secondary school, school student, project activities, Internet, information, communication, approach, competence, pedagogy (teaching), foreign language.
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