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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Mashonina, A. A. Interdependence of Characteristics of One’s Subjective Picture of Life Path and Creativity of Mature People For the Purpose of Formation of Successful Personalities

Abstract: The present research is based on the analysis of interdependency of characteristics of the subjective picture of life path and creativity demonstrated by a group of successful individuals in order to make practical recommendations on how to teach young people to activate and use their creative potentials in the process of building their life according to their own desires and opportunities. In other others, the purpose of the research is to provide statistical summary of successful (i.e. creative) individuals building their life path. Respondents involved in the research worked at academic and research institutions and had a PhD in medicine or technical science (or good position at a university) and also had families. The results of the research showed that creative people were naturally active on their life path and demonstrated interest towards learning and creating new things, set life goals and clearely understood how to achieve them, had large-scaled life goals and understood the causal and purpose connections between events.


picture of life path, creativity, causometria, divergent thinking, success, biographical method, life program, the scale of life targets, strategy, rationality.

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