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Administrative and municipal law

Bocharova, N.N. Novelties in administrative legal status of the Central Ban of the Russian Federation within the framework of an administrative reform.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the changes in the status of the Bank of Russia in the conditions of administrative reform and specific features of the legal position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as a government body and as a banking institution. Having analyzed the issue of place of central banks within the system of state bodies, possessing public competence, the author notes that different states use different solutions, while generally any central bank within any system combines characteristic features of a bank and a state body to a certain degree. The author single out a number of tendencies in administrative legal regulation, such as widening the scope of control and supervision powers, complication of an internal structure, mega-regulation tendencies in the activities of the Bank of Russia. In particular, it is noted that in order to guarantee the performance of regulating, controlling and supervision functions by the Bank of Russia, the Financial Markets Service of the Bank of Russia was formed. In accordance with the Federal Law the Financial Markets Service of the Bank of Russia shall implement regulation, control and supervision in the sphere of financial markets over non-credit financial organizations and (or) the spheres of their activities. The conclusion is made that the transfer of the powers from the Federal Financial Markets Service to the Central Bank of Russia strengthened the position of the Central Bank of Russia as a state body.


status, the Bank of Russia, administrative reform, state government body, territorial structure, competence, control, supervision, financial market, mega-regulator.

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