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Taxes and Taxation

Bashkirova, N.N. Ethical bases for the formation of the tax risks of the state

Abstract: The object of study in this article includes causes for the tax risks formation for a state. In this article the tax risks of a state are viewed within the system of causes and effects, the author analyzes their economic elements, as well as legal and ethical causes for the tax risk formation. It is found out that the basis for the tax risks for both the state and the taxpayers is non-performance or undue performance under legislative requirements. Based on the analysis of the tax behavior of the subjects of the tax relations, the author supposed that the moral aspect may serve as one of the bases for the possible appearance of violation of legislative requirements. The author analyzes a number of situations, when only ethical evaluation is applicable to the actions of a taxpayer, while legislative requirements are not violated. Based on a specifi c example, the author analyzes the taxpayer schemes, when the organization formally conforms to the taxes and levies legislation, while a taxpayer creates artifi cial conditions for application of tax exemptions or preferences.


tax competence, tax behavior, tax relations, tax risks, moral expenditures, tax evasion, ethics, tax culture, tax violations, morals.

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