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Culture and Art
Lapkina, N. A. (2013). Private Initiatives in Education
of Preschoolers and Primary School Students:
Ethnic Education. Culture and Art, 5, 525–532.
Lapkina, N. A. Private Initiatives in Education of Preschoolers and Primary School Students: Ethnic EducationAbstract: The article is aimed at analyzing changes in the system of private and alternative systems of education and inclusion of scientific projects not only as the fields of research but also innovation-based education of preschoolers and primary school students in order to develop efficient skills of intercultural communication, formation of cultural and national identity and natural tolerance. At the present time more and more parents get involved into the process of educating their children due to disrespect towards state preschool and especially school education. Some parents choose private education, others take children to infant development centers. Some parents are quite skeptical about social institutions of up-bringing and education and therefore practice homeschooling in a new modification – ‘no schooling’ theory. Parents’ initiatives regarding education of their children are becoming systematic which requires to include academic community in the process, too. The author of the article presents practical experience of implementation of ethnic education. Keywords: cultural research, ethnic education, intercultural adaptation, tolerance, national identity, innovationbased education, ethnography of childhood and child’s pedagogy, communication creativity, dialogue of cultures (cultural communications), empathic dialogue.
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