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Culture and Art
Kofman, A. F. (2013). Fiction Space and Time in Chekhov’s Plays
‘The Seagull’, ‘Three Sisters’
and ‘The Cherry Orchard’. Culture and Art, 5, 516–524.
Kofman, A. F. Fiction Space and Time in Chekhov’s Plays ‘The Seagull’, ‘Three Sisters’ and ‘The Cherry Orchard’Abstract: Anton Chekhov places the plots of all his plays in one space in order to create ‘the other space’, if not on stage then at least in thoughts and spiritual activity of the main heroes. Such space becomes an active part of the plot even though it acquire special functions and meanings in each play. This other space is opposed to the ‘real’ space where the action takes place and has a special meaning, especially when it is combined with certain models of fiction time. It is quite obvious that we can talk about the binomiality of fiction space as a particular feature of Chekhov’s mature dramaturgy. Combination of the aforesaid three plays makes up a single fiction with a common metaplot – the main heroes’ attempt to go beyond the limits of their dull life. These three plays have the ‘here and now’ chronotopos as the ‘starting point’ and the node. This chronotopos represents the ‘improper’ life style where almost everyone is unhappy and frustrated. Trying to change their life, the main heroes of Chekhov’s plays create the ‘other’ space in their minds – and this is how the binomial fiction space of all these plays are created. The heroes vacillate between these two different spaces and two different times trying to solve the main problem of their life. Keywords: cultural research, fiction space, fiction time, chronotopos, earthly paradise, city, ‘here and now’, future, past, present, dramaturgy.
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1. Chekhov A.P. "Chayka". // Sobranie sochineniy v dvenadtsati tomakh. T. 10. M., 1985. S. 141-192.
2. Chekhov A.P. "Tri sestry". // Sobranie sochineniy v dvenadtsati tomakh. T. 10. M., 1985. S. 239-302. 3. Chekhov A.P. "Vishnevyy sad". // Sobranie sochineniy v dvenadtsati tomakh. T. 10. M., 1985. S. 307-358 |