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National Security
Kashina, E.A. (2013). Role of the large-scale business in the
formation of the regional policy of the
Russian state: raw materials aspect. National Security, 5, 35–50.
Kashina, E.A. Role of the large-scale business in the formation of the regional policy of the Russian state: raw materials aspect.Abstract: The goal of the study in this article is establishing the role of the large-scale business in the formation of the regional policy of the Russian state. In order to achieve this aim, it is necessary to meet the immediate goals: to study institutional prerequisites for the largescale business political activities in the modern Russia; to evaluate the instruments of influence of business upon the regional politics and their practical application. The object of studies is regional policy of the Russian state, and the immediate object is large-scale business in Russia. Based upon the study, the author makes a conclusion that the raw-material vector of influence of the companies in the raw materials sector upon the regional politics shall remain until the structure of the Russian economy changes. The role of large-scale business in the formation of regional policy of the state towards the regions rich in raw materials in the future shall depend on the positions of political forces and the level of consolidation of Putin’s regime. Therefore, the regional strategies of the raw materials companies depend on both the foreign economic conjuncture and the domestic conjuncture. The forecast of the large-scale business role in the regional politics in the future is dependent upon the electoral cycles. The system of state capitalism, which is formed in the modern Russia, shall be further consolidated. The main practical results of the study may be found by bringing together three phenomena: the large scale business, state and raw materials regions, the federal regional policy being the focal point of their interests. Additionally, it shall be helpful for understanding the vectors for the further studies of the large — scale businesses role in the formation of regional politics and the its effects on the regions rich in raw materials. Keywords: business, partnership, colonialism, economic politics, region, state, economics, security, resources, national riches.
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