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National Security
Vasiliev, I.V., Karpov, V.A. (2013). Topical problems of efficient functioning
of regulating mechanisms of the Customs
Union. National Security, 5, 26–34.
Vasiliev, I.V., Karpov, V.A. Topical problems of efficient functioning of regulating mechanisms of the Customs Union.Abstract: The ar ticle contains analysis of the topical issues regarding the normative fundamentals of the Customs Union, unsolved problems of unification of civil, criminal and administrative legislation, forming risks of violation of interests of some Member States of the Customs Union, the outf low of the Russian borderline businesses to the territories of other Member States of the Customs Union, having more attractive tax regime and customs administration conditions. The author reflect upon the unsolved problems of unification and allocation of the export customs duty and the disparity of clearings in these duties in favor of the Republics of Belarus and Kazakhstan. Taking into account Russia joining the WTO, development of global integration connections and the influence of negative factors influencing the development of integration processes within the Customs Union gain special value. That is why, in addition to the analysis of existing problems capable of causing disintegration processes in the territory of the Customs Union, one should take into consideration the perspectives for the Member States of the Customs Union joining the WTO. It is necessary to work on brining legislation of the Customs Union in compliance with the WTO standards and the criteria for the restrictive measures and measures taken in cases of balance of payment problems, provisions of the WTO treaties. Keywords: economics, the Customs Union, legislation unification, united customs territory, non-payment of customs fees, allocation of export customs, disparity, shuttle business, tourist trade, scam schemes.
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