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Culture and Art
Popov, E. A. (2013). The Role of Russian Avant-Garde
in Formation of Culture
at Early XX Century. Culture and Art, 5, 570–578.
Popov, E. A. The Role of Russian Avant-Garde in Formation of Culture at Early XX CenturyAbstract: There are the following two tendencies in artwork devoted to the Russian Avant-Garde at the turn of XX – XXI centuries: 1) breaking with cultural-historical tradition and formation of a new system of values; 2) ideological connection between Avant-Garde and Modernism. One way or another, these artworks reflect particular features of the process of production of different Avant-Garde tendencies: new language, new style of art and etc. The present article is focused on the description of the Russian Avant-Garde from the point of view of its potential in formation of cultural environment. The main conclusion is that the production of different forms in Russian Avant-Garde is a necessary empirical model. The ontological role is to create a unique cultural environment with all the values and standards and their management model. The author’s conclusions are illustrated by quotes of the masters of Russian Avant-Garde as well as ideologists of culture and art during that period. Keywords: cultural research, Russian Avant-Garde, modernism, values of Avant-Gardue, silver age, manifesto and motto, cultural life, forms of culture, cultural relativism, traditions and innovations.
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