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Culture and Art
Petrov, V. O. (2013). Pioneering Images of Art in the XX Century:
In View of Epatage. Culture and Art, 5, 562–569.
Petrov, V. O. Pioneering Images of Art in the XX Century: In View of EpatageAbstract: It is known that in figurative system of art of the XX century totalization of problems of the modern world is observed. The present article is devoted to the new images of art which have been created during this century as a result of many artists, musicians and writing striving for epatage. Among such images, there is an image of Nothing (silence in music, one-color canvas without images in fine arts, zero in literature), hyperbolization of everyday items and accessories which does not seem that esthetic-looking at first sight, in verismo, naturalism, dadaism, ready-made, expressiveness, spontaneity in the capacity of such significant genres as happening and etc. It is noted that all these work certainly have an art concept, even despite the fact of their controversial esthetic importance and value. The author of the article analyzes examples from Marcel Duchamp, Kazimir Malevich, Allan Kaprow, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock and John Cage artwork. Keywords: epatage, art, music, fine arts, literature, concept, synthesis of arts, happening, image, innovations.
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