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National Security

Tsaregorodtsev, A.V. Forming the trees of objectives for the identification of security requirements of the cloud computing environments.

Abstract: The need for the improvement and higher efficiency of the cardinal principles of information security management in the sphere of cloud computing requires a multi-aspect sphere of guarantees for the systemic quality. Application of the formalized structural synthesis methods and technologies for the systems of information security management in the cloud computing, providing for various levels of requirements hierarchy, could allow for the more efficient use of local technologies and automation qualities, as well as systemic manifestations. The empiric quality of tree models systemic structure provides a good opportunity. Special attention is paid to formation of the trees of objectives for the identification of security requirements in the cloud computing and formation of the basis for the formalized synthesis of security platforms in information and telecommunications systems, functioning based upon the cloud computing technologies in accordance with the established systemic criteria and the system development factor. Considering the lack of transparency in such spheres as service level agreements, and realistic supplier capabilities, existing in most cloud computing services, the prerequisites are formed for the formation of a novel method for the formation of the hybrid sphere of information security requirements for cloud computing.


information security, cloud computing, cloud services, information security threats, analysis of information risks, management methods, information security requirements, business assets, tree of objectives, hybrid environment.

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