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National Security

Molodtsov, V.G. Managing the working force quality in the sphere of health care as a component to the living standard of the population of the Russian Federation.

Abstract: The article concerns the correlation of the living standard as a national security category, quality of foodstuffs and healthcare or health. It is pointed out that due to dependency of health of the population upon the quality of foodstuffs, the category of “health” is related to the foodstuffs security. It is also noted that the quality health care presupposes quality of medical aid, which cannot be achieved without the quality of working force, that is why the author studies the quality markers of working force in the sphere of healthcare. It is noted in the article that the main goal in the sphere of managing working force in the sphere of healthcare is to form an efficient model for the improvement of healthcare quality (medical services) and the measures for its further improvement.


health, health care, living standard, national security, working force, quality management, working potential, competition capability, human capital, qualification of the personnel.

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