National Security
Nartsyssova, S.Y., Noskov, Y.M., Krupennikov, N.A, Matvienko, S.V., Kondratiev, V.S.
Thinking as a personal development factor:
modeling specific cogitativestyle features of
// National Security.
2013. № 5.
P. 124-148.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63362
Nartsyssova, S.Y., Noskov, Y.M., Krupennikov, N.A, Matvienko, S.V., Kondratiev, V.S. Thinking as a personal development factor:
modeling specific cogitativestyle features of
The authors of the article develop and discuss the
conceptual model of cogitative-style determination
of the argument. They provide the comparative
cogitative style model, showing effect of cogitativestyle
mobility, as well as specific features of the
organization of psycholinguistic and psychosemantic
studies, processing its results by the
following methods of the sampling theory: with
the use of contingency tables, with the use of χ2-
Pearson criterion, with the dot-biserial coefficient
of correlation of Pearson, univariate analysis
of variance. The conclusions provided in the
article were formed by the empirical research of
interrelation between cogitative styles and features
of the argumentation.
cognition, cogitative style model, cogitative style specific features, Mann-Whitney U-test, dispersion analysis, chi^2 criterion, empiric frequencies, theoretical frequencies, contingency tables, modeling
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