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National Security

Malyshenko, N.G. Business-monitoring — a modern economic security instrument in a federal autonomous higher education institution.

Abstract: The author provides an interpretation and establishes grounds for the application of business monitoring in order to guarantee economic security and sustainable development of a federal autonomous higher education institution. The author analyzes the specific features of the higher education institutions as businesses, role and structure of multi-channel financing of businesses of such autonomous institutions in the modern social and economic conditions. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the system of markers, characterizing the efficiency of business, which may be used for business monitoring of a higher education institution. Currently there is no scientifically developed method for the evaluation of effect and efficiency of business in the autonomous higher education institutions. At the same time, most of such autonomous institutions use the methods developed for the budgetary institutions for evaluation of effect and efficiency of their entrepreneurial activities. These methods have a number of negative features, including, firstly, limited number of markers (scientific potential defined as share of funds for the scientific research and advanced development within the general amount of income of a higher education institutions from all of the financing sources; cadre potential; correlation of a medium monthly salary of professors and lecturers and a medium monthly salary in a constituent subject of the Russian Federation; financial guarantees and development of proprietary assets, defined as a share of funds from all of the financing sources, and used by a higher education institution for the sustenance and development of the proprietary assets); secondly, the orientation towards evaluation of budgetary institution efficiency, while an autonomous institution is not one of them. That is why a complex business monitoring is more efficient than the above-mentioned method.


economics, business, autonomous higher education institution, business monitoring, sources of financing, efficiency, income, entrepreneurial activities, analysis, control.

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