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Administrative and municipal law
Shevchuk, P.P. (2013). Actualization of the enforcement proceedings principles. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 1007–1012.
Shevchuk, P.P. Actualization of the enforcement proceedings principlesAbstract: Actualization of the legislative principles is one of the conditions for the efficient state regulation. The goal of this article is to analyze the current principle of enforcement proceedings and to formulate propositions for their improvement. In the course of his studies the author draws a conclusion on the absence of need and expediency for providing in the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” for the general legal principles of lawfulness, respect for dignity of a person and obligation of timely enforcement acts and measures. The author also provides for the novel principles of enforcement proceedings (compared to the current Federal Law), such as: information transparency on identification and property of a debtor; supremacy of law, support of voluntary performance; permissive nature of enforcement proceedings for the creditor. The principle of information transparency is directly connected to the formation of public registers of enforcement and debtor property. The author is convinced that such a public register may become an economically efficient instrument allowing for greater trust in economic relations, lowering the risks evaluation in conclusion of contracts between the parties, curtailing the number of enforcement proceedings, and lowering the costs of judicial proceedings. Keywords: enforcement proceedings, legislative principles, court enforcement officer, level of trust, proprietary immunity, public register, information transparency, supremacy of law, liability, court.
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