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Administrative and municipal law

Shugrina, E.S. Separation of objects of competence and competences of different levels of public authority in the sphere of education

Abstract: The article concerns the fundamentals of distinction between the competences and objects of competences of the federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation and the municipal bodies in the sphere of education. The author provides consistent analysis of the implementation of constitutional provisions under the Art. 71 and 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in accordance to which regulation and protection of the constitutional right to education is within the exclusive competence of the Russian Federation, while the general education issues are within the joint competence of the Russian Federation and its constituent subjects. The article provides general characteristics of competence of state government bodies and municipal bodies within the system of guarantees of the right of citizens to have free of charge education, since the right to education is merely declarative if no efficient system of its guarantees exists in Russia. Based upon the analysis, the author establishes that additional guarantees of education (including free of charge education) are provided at the levels of constituent subjects of the Russian Federation and the municipal bodies.


education, objects of competence, competence, local issues, joint competence, guarantees, constitutional law, education system, public authority, government bodies.

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