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Financial Law and Management

Boltinova, O.V. On the issue of state financial control in the Russian federation

Abstract: the article concerns state control as a most important type of financial control. The author analyzes the principles of financial control implementation with due respect to international standards. The article includes analysis of the latest amendments to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation on the issues of legal regulation of state (municipal) financial control. It is established that state control is not a stage within a process. It is a necessary element of all of the budget process stages in the Russian Federation. The author points out that the Auditing Chamber of the Russian Federation becomes more important in the light of modern integration of the Russian Federation into the global economic community, its membership in the WTO, the EurAsEC, and the Customs Union. The external state financial control allows to evaluate the objective character of the information of implementation of budget provided by the executive branch of government. It also allows to forecast the macro-economic parameters of social and economic development of the state, and realistic character of budget project for the upcoming year, implementation of state projects and programs.


budget, state spending, external control, state control, financial control, standards, principles, stages, budget process, budget funds.

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