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Trends and management
Tikhonov, A.A. (2013). Choice of model for the strategic management of
agricultural enterprise development. Trends and management, 3, 82–90.
Tikhonov, A.A. Choice of model for the strategic management of agricultural enterprise development.Abstract: The article includes characteristics of the strategic management models for the development of agricultural enterprises with the provided predictability level for the outer environment changes. The author provides an algorithm for the choice of strategic management of agricultural enterprise development. The author points out the topicality of providing grounds for specific management models, taking into account specific features of activities, abilities and priorities of an agricultural enterprise within the conditions of outer influences. After the study the author comes to a conclusion that the strategic management should be implemented via the system of strategic models. Due to the variety of vectors and characteristics of outer environment and individual specific features of market subjects, there is no such thing as a progressive or an outdated strategic management model. The further development of social relations and management science may produce new models, which shall be applicable for problems solving in different conditions. The statement of inapplicability of some existing strategic management models may be due only to a simplified vision of outer environment parameters, which may change under the influence of the same factors in the same way in all of the economic spheres. Keywords: strategic development management, development strategy, agricultural enterprise, model, outer environment, strategic decisions, systemic approach, outer factors, characteristics of an organization, changes in the environment.
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