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Terentieva, G.V. The new global approach of the European Union towards migration and mobility (GAMM) and social aspects of the Italian migration policy.

Abstract: At the time of great migration flow, the Italian approach to migration problems has obvious advantages due to the united position, which is based upon the Italian historical experience and European global policy, and which is aimed not only at the use of cheap labor of migrants, but also at understanding of responsibilities towards them. This article includes analysis of the social vector of development in the migration policy of Italy, which is aimed to strengthen the control over the foreigners entering and residing in Italy, their social adaptation and integration. The Italian experience in this sphere and its migration policy mechanisms are worth studying within the framework of the reform of migration legislation in the Russian Federation. Special attention should be paid to the considerable achievements in fighting illegal migration by raising the social responsibility of the migrants themselves, which may be achieved thanks to the policy of involvement of immigrants into the pension funds and social funds system, so that the immigrants are interested in showing their input, etc.


political science, migration policy, legislation of Italy, social responsibility, integration of migrants, illegal migrants, medical aid for migrants, pension payments, coordination, integration.

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