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International Law and International Organizations

Shugurov, M.V. Multilateral Development Banks (MDB): formation of the cross-debarment regime

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the new international anti-corruption institutions – the cross-debarment regime on implementation of sanctions within the projects supported by the Multilateral Development Banks. The author shows that the basis for this institution was formed by the sanction regimes formed in each particular MDB. It is established that the formation of a unified inter-bank sanctions regime is not possible for a number of legal, social and economic reasons. That is why this institution is so valuable. For the first time in the Russian international legal science the author provides a detailed analysis of the Treaties of 2006 and 2010, which became the basis for the formation and development of this institution. Much space is devoted to the implementation of these treaties, which on one hand lead to harmonization of the approaches towards fighting corruption, and on the other hand allowed to form multilateral barriers against the globalized corruption matters within the projects globally implemented and supported by the MDB. The article involves materials from the legal practice of the MDB. In addition to the Treaties, it includes analysis of the activities of the Task Force of the MDB against corruption, which became an institutional basis for the cooperation among the bans. In addition the author provides the grounds for the leading and coordinating role of the World Bank in these processes.


corruption, multilateral development banks, globalization, sanctions regime, fraud, good-faith legal practice, the World Bank, development support, project funding, international cooperation.

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