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Police activity

Kostennikov, M.V. ,Trofimov, O.E. Legal regulation of transportation security and role of the police in its guarantees

Abstract: Currently the development of transportation and transportation infrastructure calls for the formation of a complex system of transportation security. In 2012 the number of automobile accidents grew by 10%, for the air and water transportation it was 3,4%, for the railway transportation it was 5,6%. Annually about 100 000 people die in transportation accidents in the Russian Federation. The above-mentioned data proves that there is a need to improve administrative and legal regulation of the activities of federal executive bodies in the sphere of protection of transportation and transportation infrastructure security. The issues of security of a person, state and society have always been a center of attention for the state and civil society. Globalization of the economy, terrorist threats, economical and political instability make the states change their attitude to global security issues, including the sphere of transportation functioning, since its functioning is currently rather vulnerable.


security, transportation, threat, police, system, means, guarantee, control, infrastructure, automobile.

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