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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Erzin, A. I. (2013). Proactive Personal Resources
of Patients Who Receive
Rehabilitation Treatment After
Cerebrovascular Accident. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 889–896.
Erzin, A. I. Proactive Personal Resources of Patients Who Receive Rehabilitation Treatment After Cerebrovascular AccidentAbstract: The study is devoted to personal constitution of proactive behavior of patients suffering from ischemic cerebrovascular accident. It has been established that the key personal predictors of formation of proactive patterns, based on the patients studied, are their socially determined needs (metaneeds) and a free will. The least developed elements of proactive patients with CVA are reflection and prognosis of consequences of one’s behavior which is most likely to be the result of decreased cognition. The most frequent proactive coping strategies in a group of patients include proactive, reflective and preventive coping. Proactive aggression as a deliberate violent behavior is rarely met compared to reactive aggression. In the course of the study it has been established that proactive personal elements represented as the patient’s desire to achieve personal goals, may be used as a personal resource influencing the success of rehabilitation measures. Keywords: proactive behavior, proactivity, aggression, coping behavior, cerebrovascular accident, stroke, personal resources, coping strategies, reactive aggression, proactive aggression.
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