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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Korniliev, V. V. Psychoanalysis of the Image and Motives of Kashchey the Deathless

Abstract: Psychoanalysis used to be mostly about analyzing the world famous myths and legends. Analysis of fairy-tale heroes also provides lots of accurate information about cultural and social development during a particular epoch. Fairy-tales about Kashchey the Deathless symbolize the struggle between a father and a son for a woman, types of family (matriarchate or patriarchate) and social relationships. Kashchey, being the image of an authoritarian father, patriarchate and greed, is won over by Ivan Tsarevich symbolizing one of the rebellious sons, matriarchate and social justice. The fairy-tale also describes the spheres of interaction between the main heroes at a psychic level: the other world is associated with the unconsciousness and the living world is associated with the static content of psyche. Kashchey the Dealthless is a synthetic image of different types of Serpents in Russian fairy-tales. All of them symbolize anti-social features of patriarchic totemism. Ivan Tsarevich fights the unconscious psychic influence of the authoritarian ancestor by transforming the process of child’s creation: he breaks the needle which symbolizes the male genetics.


psychology, fairy-tale, motive, Kashchey the Deathless, Serpent, Ivan, symbolism, totemism, patriarchate, unconsciousness.

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