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Administrative and municipal law

Adarchenko. E.O. Administrative responsibility of legal entities of public law

Abstract: The Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation provides for a variety of subjects of administrative responsibility. However, the definition of administrative responsibility is absent in the Code, and it is being an object of an endless scholarly discussion. Taking into account the existence of legal entities of public law, which are not provided for in the Code, it is necessary to single out their type of administrative responsibility. The article contains an analogy between administrative responsibilities of legal entities of public law and officials, since both of them are subjects having public power. Special attention is paid to administrative responsibility of the state and its bodies as a type of legal entities of public law. Administrative responsibility of state corporations is also compared with the administrative responsibility of state bodies, and not the non-commercial organizations, to which they belong.


administrative responsibility, legal entity, official, state, executive bodies, state corporation, subjects of administrative law, private law, public law, power.

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