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Pedagogy and education
Gritsay, L. A. (2013). Ideal Representations and Everyday Reality of Parenting Relationships in the Culture of Old
Russia. Pedagogy and education, 2, 142–150.
Gritsay, L. A. Ideal Representations and Everyday Reality of Parenting Relationships in the Culture of Old RussiaAbstract: The article is devoted to the main values of family relations in Russian philosophical and pedagogical thought of the XII-XVI centuries. Based on the analysis of Old Russian writing, the author of the article describes ideal representations and everyday reality of mother’s and father’s up-brining and children’s behavior in their families. Special attention is paid at the following Old Russian words about teaching and up-bringing: Instruction of Vladimir Monomakh, Sermon on Law and Grace, Parables of Cyril of Turaw, the Bishop, Reading about Boris and Gleb, Life of Sergius of Radonezh, life of Antony of Kiev, Life of the Saint of Murom Yulia of Lazarev, Selected Works of 1076 and Domostroy. Based on the analysis of these works, the author defines the main provisions of the theory of parenting up-bringing typical for that period in history. The author analyzes al theories and provisions and based on the analysis, makes a conclusion that in Old Russia a family followed philosophical and pedagogical ideals in their understanding of the essence of up-bringing. Keywords: pedagogy, up-bringing, up-bringing in Russia, parenting style, motherhood and fatherhood, up-bringing values, up-bringing ideals, up-bringing traditions, up-bringing experience, respect for parents.
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