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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Sultonova T.I. Legal Regulation of Gambling in Tajikistan: Background and Current Status

Abstract: This article deals with the establishment and development of legislation on gambling in the territory of modern Tajikistan. It is revealed that despite the abundant evidence of prevalence of certain types of gambling in Central Asia in the archaic period, they do not face legal sanctions and was regulated exclusively by moral dogmas and religious rules existing at that time. It is concluded that the legal regulation of gambling in the territory of modern Tajikistan passed a long evolution. At various historical stages the legislative approach to gaming and wagering regulation changed repeatedly, depending on a number of factors, including the legal regime that was existing in a particular historical period of social development and economic policy. All of these circumstances in some periods caused necessity of negative regulation of gambling in the form of prohibitions of its organization and participation, in other times however, required a flexible approach to the regulation of gambling activities.


gambling, lottery, natural obligations, mortgages on horse racing and archery in Islamic law, the legal regulation of gambling in Turkestan province.

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