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Philosophy and Culture
Baksansky, O. E. (2013). Co-evolutionary Cogitation in Terms of Convergent Technologies: From
Biology to Culture. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 1307–1313.
Baksansky, O. E. Co-evolutionary Cogitation in Terms of Convergent Technologies: From Biology to CultureAbstract: Cognitive approach to philosophy of education seeks for new strategies to form cogitation of a modern human. In this regard, coevolutionary strategy is gaining more importance, as it forms and establishes new objectives of human activity, puts forward new environmental regulators both in natural resource management and material production as well as standards of environmental balance and dynamic balanced relationship between human and nature, legal regulators of human invasion into natural ecosystems and sets values for biosphere environmental ethics aimed at support, protection and expansion of life and forms of life. At the same time the author describes the sources and solutions of the environmental crisis such as to subdue material and technological activities of human to the purposes of improving the biosphere and to understand the complex relationship between organization of biosphere and organization of noosphere. Keywords: philosophy, philosophy of education, convergent technologies, coevolution, cognitive strategies, biological technologies, scientific picture of the world, philosophy of nature, bio- and noospheres, environmental studies.
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