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Philosophy and Culture

Kovalchuk, A. M. Symbol and Symbolization: Static Phenomenon and Dynamic Process

Abstract: The author of the article views the term ‘symbol’ as a philosophical category included in semiotic space of culture. The author also analyzes how the term developed in that space and discovers the differences and similarities between a sign and a symbol. Based on the analysis of differences between these two terms according to the leading philosophers, it is noted that the term ‘symbol’ has many meanings. At the same time, the term ‘sign’ has only one meaning. Symbol is good for creating a full picture while sign is better for creating a more accurate and precise picture. Based on examples from different spheres of human activity including speech, advertising, fine arts, and examples from Russian history, it is noted that during the periods of cultural crisis, sign is ‘exalted’ to symbol while previous symbols gain new contents. The author also describes different forms of reinterpretation of old symbols in a new environment.


symbol, sign, image, picture, symbolization, exaltation of a meaning, reinterpretation of a symbol, symbol in semiotics, cultural definitions, new culture.

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