Philosophy and Culture
Ivanov, S. Yu. (2013). On the Question about Phenomenology in Kant’s Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 1224–1232.
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Philosophy and Culture
Ivanov, S. Yu. (2013). On the Question about Phenomenology in Kant’s Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 1224–1232.
Ivanov, S. Yu. On the Question about Phenomenology in Kant’s PhilosophyAbstract: The article is devoted to the constitution of the phenomenon in Kant’s philosophy as it is given in his Critique of Pure Reason. The author of the article views two ‘polarizable’ syntheses as Husserl says: synthesis of Self and synthesis of Subject. The constitution of the phenomenon is defined by these two opposites. Keywords: philosophy, constitution, phenomenon, synthesis, polarization, Kant, Post-Modernism, intersubjectivity, Self, subject.
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