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Philosophy and Culture
Shadur, I. M. (2013). About Empiric Meaning of the Basic Concepts in Spinoza’s Philosophy. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 1200–1211.
Shadur, I. M. About Empiric Meaning of the Basic Concepts in Spinoza’s PhilosophyAbstract: Spinoza is thought to be the most consistent representative of philosophical rationalism. However, it does not mean that Spinoza always followed the rationalistic ideal in his philosophy. The article studies the relation of basic theoretic concepts in Spinoza’s philosophy to empiric interpretation of the rationalism in thinking. For this purpose, the author of the article views the empiric meaning of these concepts adopted by Spinoza from traditional theoretic philosophy and thought over in accordance with his own system of philosophy. On one hand, the study showed uncertainty or insufficient consistence of Spinoza’s rationality lying in the basis of these concepts. On the other hand, it has been proved that within the framework of Spinoza’s philosophy, those concepts admitted theoretical empiric interpretations. Keywords: philosophy, empiric, meaning, rational, infinity, substance, scholastic, speculative, ontological, existence.
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