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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Nadykto, E. I. Rationality as an Impediment of Succession of Values

Abstract: The article describes components of rationality and their influence on the process of succession of values. Today, when the experience of previous generations is not used in the new information progressive reality and general orientation of humankind at technology and rational thinking, succession of values is becoming an important issue. Influence of rationality on succession of values is shown mostly through understanding of values by mind. It is explained that, despite a common opinion that the reason and rationality are the same things, in the process of knowledge the reason means understanding of the irrational part of the process of succession of values, i.e. the relationship between bearer and successor, their willingness to give and to accept, the same level of values and trust towards authoritative figures. The author also discovers the restricting influence of rational thinking on the process of succession of values by describing the tendency towards fast results and rational agreement on their needs. It is shown that a rationalist’s orientation at immediate result and material needs reduces the need in preservation and transfer of knowledge between generations.


psychology, philosophy, succession, values, personality, society, rationality, reason, benefit, irrational.

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