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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Kanasz, T. (2013). Emotion and Value Perspectives in Sociological Investigation of Happiness
. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 80–92.
Kanasz, T. Emotion and Value Perspectives in Sociological Investigation of HappinessAbstract: The aim of this paper is to counter the following statement: the criticism of sociology for not involving issues of happiness is not fully justified. In general, both in classical as well as in contemporary sociology happiness has been included into sociological research. However, knowledge on happiness and happiness related phenomena is disseminated into different subfields of sociology (e.g. sociology of health, sociology of everyday life, sociology of culture etc.).Therefore, the main idea of this article is to show different ways of exploring happiness in various fields of sociology. Basically, the concept of happiness can be understood as an emotion (with its various types), a value (or rather a set of values) or an idea of “a good life”. Happiness as an emotion is explored by sociology of emotions, sociology of health, sociology of everyday life. Sociology of culture deals with happiness as a set of values. The topic of happiness as an idea of “a good life” appears in sociology of social change as well as in other fields of sociology related to family, education, politics, culture and media.Happiness can also be accompanied with other notions such as optimism, satisfaction with life, hope, or success. Sociology of happiness and well-being has been developed on the interdisciplinary basis and has not excluded studies of ill-being.The author believes that today, in the rapidly changing world, there is a greater than ever need for reflection on happiness and well-being of individuals. Keywords: Sociology, Happiness, Well-being, Values, Emotion, Good Life, Satisfaction with life, Classical Sociology, Contemporary Sociology, An Integrated Approach
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