Software systems and computational methods
Potekhin E.N., Leukhin A.N. (2013). The methods of optimization of the problem of complete search of
binary aperiodic optimal sequences. Software systems and computational methods, 2, 192–198. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63026
Potekhin E.N., Leukhin A.N. The methods of optimization of the problem of complete search of
binary aperiodic optimal sequences
the authors rise a problem of finding the optimal binary aperiodic sequences for the target detection
tasks. The article presents an algorithm for a complete search “brunch and bound”, introduces a concept of equal transformations, describes it use for computational complexity reduce. The methods of
optimization lower the computational complexity of the algorithm through to the usage modern processor
instructions, computational graphic clusters, parallelization, batch search.
Software, binary sequences, aperiodic sequence, optimal sequence, pulse autocorrelation function, methods of optimization, brunch and bound, NVidia CUDA, equivalent sequences, Barker codes.
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