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Culture and Art
Bessonov, N. V. (2013). Four Forks
on the Romen Theatre Creative Road. Culture and Art, 4, 453–464.
Bessonov, N. V. Four Forks on the Romen Theatre Creative RoadAbstract: the article presents the very first attempt to analyze creative concepts of the gypsy theatre. Based on documents from the RGALI archives, the author of the article analyzes the ‘struggle of strategies’ and choices that have been making the history of the Romen Theatre over the past 80 years. For instance, when there was choice between Gypsy and Russian languages, Russian was not always selected. Quite an important choice was also made between the three concepts, propaganda team, music drama or just music theatre. The author of the article also traces back how social and political views of the artists and attitudes to folklore costumes and choreography have been changing. It is stated that national traditional and mentality were showed in absolutely opposing ways on the stage. It all had an influence on Romen audience and therefore, the role and status of the Romen Theatre in Russian culture. Analyzing strategic success and failures, the author of the article explains the reasons of crisis and describes the most promising ways of developing gypsy theatre art. Keywords: cultural studies, Russian culture, national traditions, gypsies, gypsy Romen Teatre, conception, costume, play, critics, folklore.
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