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Culture and Art
Malchenko, O. E. (2013). The Structure of Cultural Text of Historical
Artillery at XVI–XVIII Centuries. Culture and Art, 4, 417–425.
Malchenko, O. E. The Structure of Cultural Text of Historical Artillery at XVI–XVIII CenturiesAbstract: the article discusses the semiotic approach to studying such a historical phenomenon as artillery of XVI–XVIII centuries. The article is based on the supposition that a historical cannon creates heterogeneous text with certain meanings that help to reconstruct the system of signs and recode the text itself. Local cannon text has its inner structure and is being viewed from the point of modern cultural approaches. The author makes an attempt to analyze the structure of cultural text of such historical cannon and evaluates the degree of information richness of such text. The author also views the ability of the cannon text to acquire new meanings and to bring into focus old forgotten meanings when interacting with new cultural contexts. The author also raises a question about historical value of cannon’s text. The author offers a classification of ‘readers’ of canon’s text depending on their interest, manner of text research and the nature of searched information. The results are shown in a table. Keywords: cultural studies, semiotics, text, context, structure, function, artillery, cannon, information, primary source.
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