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History magazine - researches
Petrova O. S. (2013). The experience of systematization of the documentary heritage of P.S. Uvarova. History magazine - researches, 3, 252–258.
Petrova O. S. The experience of systematization of the documentary heritage of P.S. UvarovaAbstract: The name of P.S. Uvarova has a special place of honour in the history of Russian science and culture. Upon becoming the chairman of the Moscow Archeological Society, she spared no effort in expanding its work, enriching Russian history and contributing to the wide spread of knowledge, and the preservation and research of antiquities in Russia. Countess P.S. Uvarova belonged to a generation, the work of which constituted the basis of a social uplift which defined Russia’s intensive growth in XIX-early XX centuries. Uvarova’s life can be viewed as an example of the forming of a new generation of women – independent, educated, concerned about the public sphere. The result of her fruitful life and work is the discovery of various sources, the informational potential of which is not discovered till the present time, because Russian historiography has not yet conducted their intensive, complex research. The article provides the experience in systematization of documents and materials, relevant to P.S. Uvarova’s life and work. Defining the problems regarding the study of source material, which are closely related to researching documentary sources, will allow not only to look a little deeper into Uvarova’s life, but to appreciate the scale and practical significance of her work. Keywords: history, source study, archeology, P.S. Uvarova, Moscow Archeological Society, State Historical Museum, archives, historic science community, science communities.
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