Administrative and municipal law
Agapov, A.B.
Public coercion or social sanitation…
// Administrative and municipal law.
2013. ¹ 7.
P. 743-752.
Agapov, A.B. Public coercion or social sanitation…
The article includes analysis of organizational and legal problems regarding implementation of the administrative
responsibility, and it is noted that the current legislation on administrative offences lacks the definition of
administrative offence, which is not a positive matter. In scholarly writing administrative responsibility is defined as
an administrative coercive measure, which is applied to physical and legal entities. The measures of administrative
responsibility are administrative punishments, which include proprietary and non-proprietary limitations of rights,
and which are implemented within an established procedural order.
public, responsibility, offence, punishment, guilt, guilty, sanitation, sanction, coercion, threat
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