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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Paramonova, A. A. Development of the Theory and Methods of Child Psychoanalysis in Germina Hug- Helmut’s Works (1871–1924)

Abstract: The article presents a theoretical review of Germina Hug-Helmut’s psychoanalytical works. Germina Hug-Helmut was one of the founders of foreign child psychoanalysis. At the beginning of XX century a researcher of child psyche Germina Hug-Helmut (1871–1924) actively developed Freud’s views on psychoanalytical work with children. She discovered many peculiarities about child psychoanalysis before Anna Freud and Melanie Klein but her works were undeservedly forgotten for almost a hundred of years. Based on Western historians who study modern psychoanalysis, Germin Hug-Helmun was the first author of articles and books on the theory and methods of child psychoanalysis. Yet, her works are still not known among Russian researchers of psychoanalysis. Most of her books and articles were published in international journals and almost all her works had a foreword written by Freud who supported Germina Hut-Helmut’s researches.


psychology, child psychoanalysis, theory of psychosexuality, play therapy, Viennese psychoanalytical society, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, child dreams, child fantasies, setting in child psychotherapy.

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