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Police activity
Trofimov, O.E. (2013). Administrative legal regulation of aviation and aviation infrastructure security guarantees
in the foreign states. Police activity, 3, 170–174.
Trofimov, O.E. Administrative legal regulation of aviation and aviation infrastructure security guarantees in the foreign statesAbstract: The article concerns legal and organizational bases for the transportation and aviation security, as well as specific features of aviation security. In the conditions of thorough economical reform and changes in geopolitical position, Russia needs a rational state transportation policy, which reflects specific features of transportation and its role in economic and social processes. At the same time due to the inertial character and high capital intensity of transportation system, long periods of construction and reconstruction of the large transportation objects and formation of novel means of transportation, the goals in the sphere of transportation should be considered both for the short term and the long term. Keywords: transportation, aviation, security, incident, major highway, automobile, control, economics, infrastructure, protected, interference.
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