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Philosophy and Culture
Voronin, A. A. (2013). Condition of Choice and Choice of Conditions. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 932–941.
Voronin, A. A. Condition of Choice and Choice of ConditionsAbstract: The author of the article raises a question whether it is actually possible to create a general theory of human behavior, and makes an attempt to outline the area of valid analysis of such a theory. Choice is viewed as a concrete union of external conditions and internal motives. Conscious choice is not the same as the rational choice because consciousness is not the same as rationality. The author of the article focuses on the analysis of organization of consciousness in mass culture and its relation with the socio-cultural environment. A classical dilemma of the rational (Kant) and fideistic (Kierkegaard) grounds of moral choice does not work in a modern situation. Differentiation of rationality and philosophizing is interpreted as a deep socio-cultural shift that caused changed in social mind along with the other factors such as forced inconsistency and axiological reorientation of the society. The author also developed the definitions of ‘identification matrix’ as a ‘cell’ of self-consciousness of homo-demos and offered particular terms for describing true collisions of human facing the problem of choice. Keywords: choice, environment, motive, rationality, values, self-consciousness, identity, identification matrix, mass society, philosophizing.
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