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International relations
Zholobova, O.A. (2013). Development of the theory of federalism within the framework of social-philosophical and institutional
approaches in the West. International relations, 3, 356–368.
Zholobova, O.A. Development of the theory of federalism within the framework of social-philosophical and institutional approaches in the WestAbstract: The problems of territorial structure of a state and regional development are not novel to the Russian and foreign traditions of political science. An important specific feature of theoretical developments in the sphere of federalism is their correlation to the practical implementation of federal principles within certain territorial political systems, which allows for the constant development of the theory of federalism, amending existing concepts and approaches. Currently the political science provides for various points of view on the phenomenon of federalism. The discussions mostly concern its nature. According to the definition by the British political scientist Preston King federalism is an ideological and philosophical matter. The American political scientist Vincent Ostrom states that federalism is an ideology of the truly self-managing society, an alternative to any centralized power hierarchy. Keywords: international relations, politics, federalism, concepts of federalism, West, interests, values, federal structure, federation, constituent subject of federation.
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