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International relations

Nikiforov, A.R. Solidarity as a social-democratic value: political and psychological analysis of programs of the European political parties

Abstract: The article includes analysis of solidarity as a key social-democratic value based on the new programs of the social-democratic parties of various states. The Social-Democrats enter a new level of their development and gain support. The review of their ideology led them back to the traditional social-democratic values, the ideas of solidarity gaining priority. Analysis of the Russian and Western literature on Social Democrats shows that in late years (after 2008) the ideological search undergone a considerable change. First of all, the change concerns the contents of program provisions of almost all Social Democratic parties, many such parties accepted new programs in 2012/ While their contents vary, most of them leave behind the idea of searching for the “third” way, which seemed to be the last stage of development of their ideology to many scholars, and they return to the traditional social-democratic “left” paradigm.


international relations, politics, political psychology, social democracy, solidarity, ideology, interests, values, conflict, political movements.

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