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Philology: scientific researches

Kutyrev, V. A. Body Language: From Scream to Silence

Abstract: Today’s theory starts to question the paradigm role of language in modeling of the world. Why does it happen and where does it take us? In order to answer these questions, we need to renew all our views on the history of language. The author of the article defines the stages of language development, from speech/writing to printing/text and finally, the death of language and/or human in writing/calculation. The latter is a true catastrophe for the language because it is a refuse to use the language to convey the meaning and a transition to digital ontology. Grammatology messages about a shift from human consciousness to artificial intellect. The world is entering the epoch of trans-modern. In order to preserve human reality, we need to protect the language and shift to the philosophy of opposition.


philology, language, word, human, print, text, letter, grammatology, calculation, communication, digitalism.

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